Hi everybody! I just gave myself what amounted to almost 3 weeks off from work and am now struggling back into studio life. Hope everyone had a brilliant holiday season!
Sometimes when you've been out of the 'creative loop' for a while, it's tough to get back in. I'm starting off this week with a number of new couple paintings. Pairs of figures are absolutely my favorite thing to paint...married couples, mother & child, siblings, father & son, whatever. I figured I'd ease back into the painting groove with some small couples (8 x 10 or so), and just in time for Valentines Day!
Borrowing loosely from my friends Scott & Kathrine's brilliant
'cupcake a day' idea, I'm going to try to post a 'couple a day' from now until Valentines Day. I have no idea if I actually have the self discipline to pull that off, but I guess we'll see!
So, Day 1 Couple is "Beautiful Music", oil on particle board, 10" x 8", $300. Genna treated this board for me by forcing paint into the grooves in the wood, sanding it smooth, and sealing it with a clear gesso. I love, love, love the look of the particle board between the shapes and how it plays into the patterned nature of this little couple.
I'll be posting the 'couple a day' paintings soon
on our webpage or you can email me anytime at admin@galleryair.com to make a purchase.