We are two of them! Or I guess since we're a team...We are one of them! The designers of the new HGTV Green Home at Serenbe selected our "Boy Line, Bike Tangle" as the focal artwork in the main living area of the home. The Green Home 2012 special is playing everyday from now until the house is given away on June 1st, so DVR it and check it out!
See it online here.
We have more than 60 new paintings available now on the website, including two smaller versions of the "Bike Boys".
This weekend kicks off 5 straight weekends of travel for us...Main Street Ft Worth, Magic City Art Connection in Birmingham, Brookside Art Annual in Kansas City, Artisphere in Greenville SC, and the Northern Virginia Fine Arts Festival in Reston VA. Hoping to see you somewhere along the way!